December 16, 2015

Still On Tha Bluff


  Have you seen Snow On Tha Bluff? If not, you need to check it out, asap.  It's a ground-breaking Indie film that documents the life of an Atlanta trapper.  Ok ok, I can hear your inside voice now, "Trappin isn't cool" "Its a stain on American society". Well, this film is revolutionary in that it gives real insight into the lives of underprivileged individuals doing what they have to do to survive.  Still not sold? ...  Curtis Snow, after starring in this legendary film, released a follow-up autobiography entitled My Name Is Curtis Snow & I’m A G.


Now, @CoupCoup40Cal is proposing a new film starring @RealCurtisSnow; entitled, yeah you guessed it, Still On Tha Bluff.  This film would potentially dive into the gentrification that Atlanta is experiencing now.  Whether or not you agree with the "New Atlanta" and it's direction, you have to agree that this would be an amazing film.  If you support the making of this movie or simply want to give input, email In the meantime, check out this inspiring short, narrated by Mr. Snow himself.  

 Story provided by