April 02, 2016

Nintendo Launches Smartphone App: Miitomo


 Nintendo is known for producing some of the most popular gaming systems known to date. Dating back to the Nintendo 64, the company has always been innovative and keeping up with ever-changing technology trends. That's why they recently revealed their first ever smartphone app, Miitomo. This app doesn't have a wide range of NES simulators that allows you to play Nintendo games, rather it is a social gaming platform based around custom built avatars, which are the same as the Wii characters, "Miis." You are allowed to give them a nickname, customize their appearance, outfits, accessories, choose how they speak, and their type of personality as well. The app asks you several questions based on your interest and friends and other users are allowed to respond to them by either hearting (liking) or responding with a picture or written message.

 It isn't the most creative and revolutionary idea, but it's great to see Nintendo still stick around and try to appeal to a newer, younger generation. Check out the video below to see how to app works. Let us know how you feel about this idea. Would you download the app?