April 13, 2016

Portable Solar Panels Bring You Energy On the Go!



 John Hingley is a traveling man.  He has traveled the world and has conviniently used a small portable solar chargers to ensure his devices stay alive.  One day he came up with a bright idea to scale up the portable solar panel.  What if solar panels can be rolled up , transported, and unpacked in areas that would need energy quickly (i.e. communities that have just suffered a tsunami, hurricane, etc).  This is exactly what he did.  He created a large spool of solar panels all attached to a fabric so it can be easily be pulled out into a 200 ft long system.

 Hingley says that this system can be expanded up to 18 Kilowatts, which is enough to power a small community.  This ground breaking idea can be used in numerous situations and could change the way people get access to energy in emergencies and dire situations.  Check out the impressive video below!