April 20, 2017

Spring Cleaning, the Eco-Friendly Way



 Springtime is here and that means the infamous chore of spring cleaning is now upon us. Time to shake the dust off and get rid of all that clutter that has accumulated over the winter! Most people will be throwing out random items, using Pledge or PineSol, and tossing clothes that no longer fit or are too old. This amounts to a fairly large amount of garbage that if not organized correctly, can wind up in the many landfills that make up the nation. These landfills are good for the breakdown of our trash in a safe way but they quickly fill up. There are many methods to cut down on garbage and still clean house.

A large part of spring cleaning involves throwing old odds and ends out. Many things that we throw out can always be used again in a different manner. Old books can always be donated to a library. Old CDs, and DVDs can be repurposed for drink coasters. Old clothes have a number of purposes besides the trash can. Clothes that are still in good condition can be brought to a thrift short or donated to help those in need. Clothes that can no longer be worn can be used as general rags for cleaning. Using beat up clothes instead of paper towels not only saves you money but will also help reduce your overall paper consumption throughout the year.

Most household cleaning supplies are not derived from natural ingredients, and using them in closed spaces is not always healthy. There are numerous ways for someone to make a homemade cleaning solution with very few ingredients. Since there still need to be a cleaning agent in the solution, most recipes will use castile soap. There are even castile soaps that are hemp based. Liquid castille soap and various blends of essential oils and you have an easy to make cleaner!

To clean the air, the simplest way to freshen up generally is to open the windows. There is also the option to buy some indoor plants for extra oxygen. Certain plants that are well suited for indoors with clean your air also! (There is another article I wrote concerning that too!) Using plants instead of air fresheners and air purifiers you are avoiding chemical sprays and an increased electric bill.

Spring cleaning allows many an opportunity to organize more and simplify their living and work environment. WIth a few tips, anyone can easily be more efficient and make spring cleaning better for themselves and the world. ‘Til next type - M.

Written by Michael Dour