April 20, 2018

Happy 4/20: Giveaways and more!

 420 2018


 Happy 4/20 from Superego! Although we aren't a marijuana-focused brand, we realize the many benefits of the cannabis plant! Hemp is the basis of our brand and it provides the soft blend for our comfortable and sustainable shirts.  This 4/20/18, a lot of exciting things are happening! First, we are running a giveaway for a $50 hemp care package! You can participate on our Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram channels.  Secondly, Bleacher Report will be releasing some content entitled "The Worlds Best Athletes Smoke Weed" featuring one of our investor partners Ricky Williams!  Watch the trailer below (We will update once they release the full video)

Lastly, J. Cole's latest album dropped today and is streaming on all major platforms.  It's entitled "KOD" and has a focus on drugs, addiction, and ways of dealing with pain.  It's sure to do numbers as all Cole's projects do.  So have fun this 4/20, and make sure to stay tuned on Earth Day in 2 days as we will have some exciting news!