August 26, 2016

Young Thug is Breaking Down Homophobic Walls in Hip-Hop


 If you're a fan of hip-hop or music in general, you may have heard the name Young Thug come up in conversation.  Funny thing about Young Thug is that many people have vastly different opinions on him and his music.  A lot of this stems back to many people thinking he's the first publicly gay rapper.  Homosexuality and hip-hop is a discussion many people don't want to have mainly because hip-hop, if it was personified, is homophobic.  Young Thug has never claimed to be gay but has done things that "hip-hop" hasn't agreed with; i.e. wearing dresses, and calling other men babe and sexy.  On his latest album cover he is shown wearing a "typical" female outfit, and has changed his name back to his government name, Jeffery.  This identity switch has many people wondering about Young Thug.  Whether he is actually gay or not is still up in the air, but one thing is for sure, Young Thug is definitely breaking down homophobic walls in the hip-hop industry. Check out his new album, No My Name is Jeffery, below.